


The most guaranteed pathway to fluency on the market

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No sales pitches here - just valuable info to help you make an informed decision

We offer private lessons for these languages:

🇨🇦 English, 🇫🇷 French, 🇪🇸 Spanish,
🇨🇳 Mandarin, 🇮🇳 Gujarati, 🇮🇹 Italian,
🇩🇪 German, 🇷🇺 Russian

Info Call: what to expect

• Define your goals
Clarify what fluency means for you and set specific, achievable objectives.

• Craft a personalized strategy
Develop a customized learning plan tailored to your lifestyle with a language learning expert.

• Learn top tips 
Receive expert insights tailored to your needs to make meaningful progress right away!

The "Fast-Track" Method

Hi there! My name is Azren. I’m the owner of the Calgary Language Nerds and the creator of the Fast-Track Method. I have a passion for teaching and learning languages. I currently speak 5 languages fluently: English, French Spanish, Mandarin, and Gujarati. I’d like to learn at least 3 more languages in my life. It’s a journey I find incredibly rewarding. Read my full bio here.

With over 8 years of experience, my team and I have had the privilege of teaching thousands of students. We specialize in providing exceptional instruction to dedicated adults, ensuring they reach fluency as quickly as possible. Expect fast, measurable results – guranteed!

Case studies and success stories

How the method works

Lessons typically follow a structured conversation-based approach.

Depending on student needs, however, we are open to spending more time on grammar, listening, reading, or writing. It’s all about creating an ideal learning environment for each individual student.

We follow a model called GROWTH to ensure fast, measurable progress.

GROWTH is a modified version of a pre-existing coaching model called GROW.

• Goal: What do you want to achieve?

• Reality: Where are you now in relation to the goal?

• Options: What could we do in class to reach your goal?

• Will: What will we do in class to reach your goal?

I have added the letters T and H to make the acronym GROWTH:

• Test: Implement the action plan and gather data

• Hone: Review the results, refine the plan, and try again

I’m super passionate about this method – happy to answer any questions you have!

Book an info call! No sales pitches here – just valuable information to help you make an informed decision.

Private lesson rates

To work directly with the owner, Azren, the rate is $400 per private lesson. With another Calgary Language Nerds tutor, it ranges between $50 to $110 per private lesson depending on their experience level. We specifically teach serious learners looking for fast, measurable progress and high-quality instruction.

New students start with a 3-lesson introductory trial package, after which we generally bill 3-6 months of class at a time, with flexible payment plans available.

Book an info call today!

The most guaranteed pathway to fluency on the market

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No sales pitches here - just valuable info to help you make an informed decision​

3000+ Raving Reviews

See below for a sample of more than 3000 reviews we have received!

CLN Duolingo Hosting Journey
CLN Duolingo Class Ratings

Book an info call today!

Learn a language in 30 lessons or less

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No sales pitches here - just valuable info to help you make an informed decision